Acrylic Painting

The Red Dragon

Jacob Walker

Last year I had the pleasure of painting this Dungeons & Dragons / Pathfinder inspired dragon for the Fantasy Adventure Deck. It was the first time I have painted a dragon since college, so much fun.  I finished this up just before Gen-Con last year and did not have time to get prints made of it before the show. The painting itself sold to another artist and off it when, my new baby out into the world. A few months later when I tried to get prints made, I noticed that my file was not the greatest, in fact it was actually pretty bad for larger reproductions. Somehow I had lost my original scan. Thankfully the artist that bought it was a talented photographer as well and was able to send me this hi-quality photo. I got lucky, really lucky. There are several lessons in there about not rushing, backing up files, etc. Im just glad it worked out.

I'll be debuting prints and mounted panel prints of this guy at Gen-Con in about two weeks and will then be placing them on the site.

"Red Dragon" 2015. acrylic on illustration board

"Red Dragon" 2015. acrylic on illustration board