The Fantastic Workshop, Year Two.

Jacob Walker
Photo by Loraine Flegal

Photo by Loraine Flegal

Last year I was a guest at the first Fantastic Workshop in Nashville Tennessee. As an artist and as a sole proprietor, I was a little unsure of my direction and felt I needed a change. The workshop helped me out of my rut and got me moving with purpose again. Since last year, I have stepped into the role of an Independent Artist. My year, as a direct result from the workshop, has seen a successful kickstarter, the start of a passive income stream, a raise in income, and the ground work for several future projects. Most important, my sense of purpose continues to grow as I walk the path of an Independent Artist.

What is the Fantastic Workshop? It is a four day even full of artist discussing business, sharing numbers, talking shop, giving art demos, and lots of one on one time with the instructors. There is a lot of actionable advise given by good people who want you to succeed. It also takes place on a campus that feels like Hogwarts. That makes it all feel magical.

I was a little worried that year two would be a bit of a repeat but I really think it was better.  There were a few of the same talks (talks that need to happen each year) but I was able to pull out more actionable info this time around. Sam's talk on Salesmanship is one that I could listen too many many more times. Stephanie Law's presentations on Kickstarter and Expanding your IP into the mass market were two of my favorites. Sean Andrew Murray challenged us to look at things a different way again. All this great business info was being given by artist. That of course meant that there were some great art demos too. They ranged from materials to personal exploration. Aside from the staff, the attendees were so knowledgeable and skilled.

That was my short review of the Fantastic Workshop. It was a very rewarding experience, again. Worth every penny. If you are considering SmArt School or IMC, consider this one too. It will leave you feeling very empowered.